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How to Manifest Money


So you want to enlist the universe to help you get more money, but how? It turns out that persuading the cosmos to work in your financial favor is pretty straightforward. There are a ton of easy ways to change your mindset and set goals that make manifesting money a breeze. Read on for a comprehensive guide to asking the universe for money and positioning yourself to grab it when it comes your way. 

Express thanks for what you have.

The universe rewards people who practice gratitude. Even though you want more money, start by appreciating whatever wealth you already have. Write down a list of the positives of your current financial situation, and reflect on how they make you feel or benefit your life.[1] Some examples might be:

  • "I can pay my internet bill each month, which keeps me connected to faraway friends."
  • "I was able to afford a Valentine's gift for my girlfriend, which made me feel like a good partner."
  • "I had enough gas money to take a cross-country road trip that widened my view of the world."

Get specific about what you want.

The more detailed your goal, the more likely you are to achieve it.[2] "I want to be rich" is pretty vague ("rich" means different things to different people). Why do you want to be rich? Exactly how much money do you need? What will you do with it? Clarify these specifics.[3] For example:

  • "I need a $10,000 raise so I can save up for a home."
  • "I need $2,000 to go on vacation to Hawaii this year."
  • "I want to make $200 more per month so I can explore more nightlife in my city."

Write down all of your financial desires.

Creating a list is an important step toward making your future a reality. The universe responds positively to acts of creation, so make a physical list with a pen and paper to show you're motivated to make things happen. Writing things down also helps clarify your intention and makes it easier to prioritize your wants and needs.[4] [5]

  • Jot down all of your wants, no matter how small. The clearer and more detailed a picture you create for yourself, the better manifestation will work.[6]
  • Always write your manifestations down instead of typing them out.[7]
  • Your list of desires might change over time, and that's OK! Revisit it from time to time to make adjustments and reassess your goals.

Drop any beliefs that limit your ability to succeed.

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Visualize your financial future often.

Visualizing clarifies what you want and keeps you motivated. Imagine what your future could be and picture what being financially stable or wealthy feels like. What could you do with more money? How do you feel when your needs are met? Be detailed and bold when you paint yourself a mental picture of your future.[10]

  • Meditating on images of your future is a great way to align your vision with your inner emotions.
  • Try creating a vision board with images and quotes about your financial future. Place it somewhere you'll see it often, like near your desk or computer.
  • Journal or think about your vision before bedtime to plant the seed for dreams of your future.

Set incremental goals.

Think about what you must accomplish in order to reach your end goal. It's unlikely you'll get rich overnight. Map out how to get there with smaller, attainable subgoals like saving $100 per month or only paying for takeout once a week. When you see the positive impact of these smaller choices, your end goal won't seem so far fetched.[11]

  • You can't predict exactly when your money will manifest, but including a timeline in your goal planning gives you a general idea of what to expect as you work toward your goal.
  • Your incremental goals can be adjusted over time to fit your financial needs or unexpected large costs. Hold yourself to them, but remember they aren't set in stone.

Take action to reach your goals.

Goals are just dreams until you do something to reach them. Take steps every day, week, month, and year to move closer to your end goal. Break old spending or saving habits that hold you back and explore new ways to manage your money. Once you've got a plan, it's time to get to work![12] For example:

  • To spend less on takeout, prioritize meal planning and grocery shopping to save money.
  • If you want a raise, try investing in a new certification program or practicing your negotiation skills.
  • Take on additional freelance projects to save up for a vacation or big purchase.

Have the courage to try new things.

Be alert for opportunities you wouldn't have taken before. Maybe there's an intriguing "help wanted" sign you keep walking by, or you overhear a stranger talking about a new budgeting app. If you stay open-minded and attentive, the universe will subtly present you with new opportunities to achieve your goals.[13]

  • Leave your comfort zone and old repetitive habits to make yourself open to trying new things. If you need a new result, you'll have to try new tactics!
  • Believe that you can try new things and do them successfully. Self-doubt and fear are huge blocks to manifestation.

Put intention behind every dollar you spend.

Scrutinize each purchase to determine if it serves your goal or life. Why are you buying this product? How will it improve your life? This thought process helps you curb unintentional spending and save up for important or exciting things.[15] Create a dialogue with yourself around each purchase, like:

  • "I'm buying this exfoliating scrub because it makes me feel confident about my skin."
  • "I bought this watch because I want to invest in durable things that last a long time."
  • "I'm paying for acting lessons because it's important for me to have a creative outlet."

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Use positive affirmations to create good energy.

The universe responds positively to good vibes. Say your positive affirmations out loud every morning to raise your vibrations and let the universe know you're ready for change. To put out the best energy, speak about the positives happening right now instead of reiterating what you still want.[16] Try:

  • "I am moving closer to financial stability at this very second."
  • "I'm thankful for the positive changes I've created in my life."
  • "I'm 100% capable of reaching my goal and I deserve to live a comfortable life."
  • "I was made to be creative and make money."
  • "I am destined to be successful."

Act like you've already manifested your money.

Imagine how a person who's met your financial goal acts and feels. How do they approach their expenses? What do they consider a worthwhile purchase? Picture yourself in their shoes and start acting like that version of yourself now. Embody the feeling of success.[17]

  • This practice changes your mindset about money from one of want and need to one of abundance and opportunity.
  • You'll gain clarity on what you really want when you imagine what it's like to get rid of the financial barrier.
  • Only spend what you can while you embody this successful "future you." Focus on thoughts, feelings, and priorities rather than actual dollar amounts.

Practice gratitude throughout your manifestation.

Tell the universe you're thankful for the new money coming your way. Recognize your progress and stay optimistic by showing gratitude for every win you get, no matter how small. Try to express gratitude every day in some form.[18] Practice gratitude by:

  • Journaling about every positive thing that happened to you today that moved you closer to your goal.
  • Listing (out loud or on paper) 3 things you're thankful for before you go to bed each night.
  • Meditating on your successes, improvement, and growth since you first began manifesting.

Have faith in the method.

If you work for your goal, the universe will work for you. Stay positive while you move toward your goal, even if it's happening very slowly. It's easy to lose faith and spiral with negative energy, but that will only push your success farther away. Stay grateful, keep your goals clear, and keep up the good work![19]

  • Focus on learning, growing, and improving rather than fixating on the end result. This growth mindset is linked to higher success rates and goal achieving.[20]
  • If you feel you're not making progress, reevaluate your goals, action plan, or list of desires. Was there something you missed? Have your needs changed? Was your original goal unattainable?

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